If you know me, you would know I love to laugh. And I tend to laugh too much, too loud and too often. But laughing is the best medicine, hey?
Walking with Patrick and Karen in Burwood.
Imagine us walking very closely in a line across going Patrick, Lisa, Karen.
This was the conversation we were having:
Patrick: Stop walking into me Lisa. I know you want me but geez.
Lisa: Oh you're funny, you're funny. Go die.
Half an hour later....
Patrick: Thank you, Lisa.
Lisa: What, for what?
Patrick: For making me walk into hot girls.
Lisa: Oh my goodness.
Karen: Lisa, how come you never make me walk into hot guys?
Old man walks up.
Patrick: *whispers* Oi, push her.
Karen: I heard that.
Old man walks past.
Fat highschool guys walks up.
Patrick: Now!
Karen: I heard that.
And we play this little game for the next few people including a little boy, an old man bending over and even a chubby woman.
Lisa: Ohmygosh guys, I can so imagine us walking like this like drunk hobos in the city in ten years.
Patrick: Err..
Lisa: Okay fine, three years.
Haha, I love you Patrick and Karen!!!!!
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