- Maths5: Ahhh, meeting the Woodhouse. It seems to me that I am the only person who thinks she is totally hilarious. I think that the people in this class are amazing. Ie. Casey, Ariadne, Wiener, Ginia, Kayla, Matt, Arlo, Deborah, Alex, Alan Fu, Eric, Elliot. What a party.
- Science5: MeganWang, Wiener, Elliot FalZONE, Eric ZHAO-dog, Kayla LochNESS, Ginny-AHH. Need I saw more?? I will never forget how our group managed to stink up the whole room with a fart-like smell, when everyone else did the experiment perfectly. How we had to run around, opening up the windows to "air" out the room. Haha, our "stories", and how Hyugen and Wang always eat in class despite Tiddon Staring Us Down.
- English5: Ohhh you guys are such a riot! Ms Quirk, who we've nicknamed Harry Potter, is the funniest teacher ever. Despite some classes feeling like they drag on. And on. And on and on, we always manage to laugh.
- Elective Geography: My favourite class! I enjoy it so so so much. Pagani and Ms Johanssen are the best social science teachers you could ask for. I adore my "front table" group: (in sitting order) Patrick, Wiener, Matt, Kayla, Bryce, Lisa, Belinda. Love you!! And really, our GERS rocked, despite the fact we didn't have an actual ger because Wiener fails. :)
- Elective History2: Oooh, my favourite subject! Ms Bresnahan is enlightening. She lets us go so wild yet she knows how to calm us down. Debates, witch parties, radio broadcasts, you name it, we've done it. I love the people in ElecHist: Arizona (LOVE YOU), Matt, Bryce, Arlo, Mikayla, Angie, Casey :)
- FoodTech2: I really saved the best 'til last! FoodTech is so bloody fun, everything is great. Our pracs, our "buffets" and we truly have the best FoodTech teacher, Ms Woodley!! My partner, Angela, is incredible at cooking. Sometimes I step back and just .. watch her. She's great. Hope we have more buffets in the next semester! Class: Angie, Mikayla, Aileen, Patrick, Arlo, Miles. LOOOVE.
I can only hope that Semester 2 will bring much much more incredible, incredible moments. :) (Oh I didn't include GHP, because nothing ever happens in those classes. And they are the least memorable and most boring. Except for PE, I enjoy PE.)
2. Okie-dokey. I was watching Skins today and I realised something. I am so in love with the British accent. Not the Jamie Oliver accent, but Michelle from Skins' and Hermione's from Harry Potter. Ahhhh. If I could choose any accent in the world, I'd choose Lily Allen's. I love that girl. And I'd walk around Fort talking in my accent. Because you guys know, I'm totally hip like that. *dances* Wooo!
3. I finished reading a book recently, Along Came A Spider by James Patterson. It is the Best Book I Have Ever Read. It is so amazing. And guess what guys? It's not a romantic comedy. Big shocker. No really, it's a thriller/crime fiction. And it is so so so good. Really. I really want to see the movie version of it, which was made in 2001, starring Morgan Freeman. And I can't wait to watch it and say how terrible it is compared to the book. I've never been into Harry Potter enough to read all their books. In fact, I've only ever read Book 1, 2 and half of 3 despite owning the whole series. So I've never gotten the opportunity to dish out dirt on the movie because I've read the oh-so-fantastic book version. It was like that with Twilight also, I watched the movie, liked it thus I started reading the book. I'm cool like that, yeeaaah. (No actually, if you knew me, you'd be running in the opposite direction. D:)
4. I was reading through a person's blog today. I used to know this girl, we went to primary together but we'd never been close friends. Umm, she'd always been the shy type, you know, shy but always quick to please. She was smart and funny, but one thing I can's stress enough, she was very very shy. So I was so surprised when I opened her blog and it was just swearing, after swearing, after swearing. I couldn't help but think that high school hit her hard. Here she is talking about her parents being nasty stuff, and wishing she could murder her brother, how she wants to run away with her boyfriend etc etc. I was, to be completely honest, horrified. I hope one day, if I get to meet her again, to sit down and have a milkshake with her (I hate coffee) and talk to her and try to get to know her again. Because frankly, I have no clue who she is right now.
5. I have an amazing person. He is really good to me. He does everything right. And I thank God for him. I hope this blossoms and grows into something that will last. Mmmmmm. I smile thinking about this person! Haha, how corny. Well let's just say he has the ability to make me get butterflies, just at the thought of him. :)
6. Oh I'll include a photo because your eyes are probably hurting right now. Sorry :(

He told me if he ever took me to Paris, then I know he would be proposing to me.
I hope you enjoyed my little rant, Lisa xx
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