Lunchtime, sitting on the stairs.
Patrick: Do you think I'll push you off the stairs?
Lisa: No, you'll never do that.
Wiener: Yeah, push her.
Lisa: No, I'm too important to you.
Patrick: Yeah, I won't.
Karen: I'll push you all off the stairs if I could.
*all stare at her in shock*
At the train station, as the train is coming through.
Wiener: I dare you to jump off the tracks right now.
Lisa: Darers go first.
Wiener: Quick! Jump!
Lisa: (grabs Wiener's arm) Okay, but we'll go down together.
Wiener: Quick, you're gonna miss your chance.
Lisa: Fine, let's go!
*train passes and stops*
Wiener: Ah, you missed your chance.
*Lisa realises that Karen is missing*
Lisa: Oh hey Patrick, you're stuck with me for half an hour.
Patrick: Why?
Lisa: Karen's not here.
Patrick: Okay, thirty minutes with Lisa, or dead at the bottom of the tracks forever? *looks at Wiener*
Wiener + Patrick: Dead at the bottom forever.
Lisa: Okay, but the train's going to leave. *walks off*
Patrick: *runs after Lisa* Okay, bye Wiener.
There are threats, and then there are threats, Lisa xx
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